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Spring Cleaning: A Little Chat

Updated: May 22, 2023

The birds are singing again, and from my vantage point in my windowed, brick building, the sunlight is vast and crisp. I know it's only newly March, but I can't help but feel like we're right on the cusp of spring—which, for me, means a lot of big things. Let's chat!

Booking for May through December

First thing's first: I'm still booking edits for this year! I already have several slots filled up, so if you're considering editing with me, feel free to reach out! Even if you don't yet have a complete manuscript, I can usually save you a slot if you have a personal deadline.

I have several projects I'm wrapping up in the spring, and they've been an absolute joy to work on. Every client I've worked with has had really special stories full of twists, sorrow, and shining hope. I'm already waiting for their release dates! I can't wait to hold all of these books in my hands.

Official Social Media Launch

A second little secret: I'm launching my official social media in May (date will be announced later this month). We're going to be doing a lot of fun things over on Instagram. We'll talk about the nuances of the writer's craft, best practices for editing, and a bit of my personal life...with a tasteful side of hot takes! I'm really looking forward to starting this community. Be sure to follow @briannadedits so you don't miss a thing. Feel free to say hi via DM!

Story–weaver Publishing LLC

I've accepted a position as Lead Line Editor and Proofreader for Story-weaver Publishing LLC, a hybrid publisher that launched earlier this year. The hybrid publishing model isn't for everyone, but our team has been working hard to advocate for author's needs. You might consider submitting once we open up!

Honeycomb Author Services

One fateful week in winter, I got a text from a dear friend:

So you mentioned freelancing a few weeks ago... How does that work again? I'm totally interested!

Thus began a new journey: Honeycomb Author Services. Our little team of three is SO excited to bring our expertise to the table. We'll be offering editing services, hosting a blog about writing, and having some neat discussions about stories on our Instagram!

I want to clarify that I'm continuing my personal freelancing business here. I'm just also on the team at Honeycomb! You can contact either website if you'd like me to be your editor. There are just a few differences between the two:

1. Honeycomb offers developmental editing.

This is an important distinction because I don't offer that service myself! If you've thought about getting a developmental edit and discovered I didn't offer it, this is the next best thing.

2. Honeycomb offers editing packages.

This allows you to receive more than one kind of editing from different members of our team. I believe it's important to get more than one set of eyes on your book, and I can't recommend my fellow editors more! Now you don't have to find several different editors yourself.

3. Honeycomb is a team.

Being part of a team makes it easy for me to refer clients to someone I trust if my schedule is full!

We'll be launching our website on 3/07! Follow @honeycombauthor to keep up with the latest. Besides, how can you resist friendly honeybees?

Thanks for Keeping Up

That about wraps up this brief, spring chat. It was full of housekeeping, but this year has so far been full of opportunities and deep friendships. As I launch my official social media in May and write more blog posts in the future, I can only imagine how much luckier I'll feel.

Next blog post, we'll be starting a brand-new series alongside my Instagram account, exploring this strange phenomenon I like to call Book Botany. The first thing we'll discuss is the Scribe: when characters breathe, plots flex, and—oh no, what happened to our plans? Stay tuned for that post after my social media launches!

Would you consider yourself a pantser, plotter, or planster? Somewhere in the middle? Introduce yourself and your writing process in the comments!

Enjoying the birdsong,

Brianna De Man


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